Thursday, July 22, 2010

better late than never :)

congratulations graduate :) 

would like to send a shout out to my amazing lil' bro {giggling at the irony of that} for graduating high school!  it is not an easy feat, espically when the end is in sight!  love you and am soo proud.  this big ol' world is going to have to watch out for you! oh, ya, don't forget who your favorite sister is when your rich and famous!!!

three amigos
my favorite models :)

mother & daughters

this month we have been very fortunate to have lots of family come here, whether it was for graduation or the upcoming wedding.  absolutely having a blast, and we did not have to travel for days to enjoy it!  super excited for cousins bryon and susie, who are expecting baby #1 and first great grandchild for grandma & pa kopytko!!      

aaron's sister {and mine, too ;)}  Alyssa, had a chance to take some family photos of us.  we went to a park setting, exchange district, and a graffiti wall; all locations so different, yet the results all the same: amazing!!!  i was speechless with the results, every photo aaron saw was his favorite :)   she really does make it impossible to pick one favorite!  thanks again Alyssa :)  cannot wait to share some

well, i have to go back to the problem that led me to make this blog... i locked the only set of keys in the little brown truck named hanky...  i am smiling know as i share this little experience as i think of the numerous times i have locked my keys in my vehicle. yes there has been many, many times... :)

keep the sunny side up!


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