was glad when i woke up on sunday morning as it was a beautiful day! full of family, good food and fun! a happy fathers day was had by all! the day was full of adventures: finding the forbidden flowers ;), almost sliding into the muddy turtle drain, go-carting with paige, celebrating fabulous fathers, and eating fresh wild strawberries. happy belated fathers day dad, and to all you fathers!

wild strawberries
are wild strawberries really wild?
will they scratch an adult, will they snap at a child?
should you pet them, or let them run free where they roam?
could they ever relax in a steam-heated home?
can they be trained to not growl at the guests?
will a litterbox work or would they leave a mess?
can we make them a cowberry, herding the cows,
or maybe a muleberry pulling the plows,
or maybe a huntberry chasing the grouse,
or maybe a watchberry guarding the house,
and though they may curl up at your feet so sweetly,
can you ever feel that you trust them completely?
or should we make a pet or of something less scary,
like the domestic prune or the imported cherry,
anyhow, you've been warned and i will not be blamed
if your wild strawberry cannot be tamed.
~shel silverstein
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