Thursday, January 27, 2011

..words past spoken..

find myself reading a lot, actually tons.  love it, as i always have.  i can remember picking up certain books and finishing them the same evening.  or how some books you purposly read slowly; they seem to pull you into being a part of the amazing world that your imagination had created while reading.  how you seemed to know the characters as they are your close friends.  i do love to read!

came across this piece, made me smile and ponder awhile, enjoy!

If a dead man is raised to life, all men spring up in astonishment.  Yet every day one that has no being is born, and no man wonders, though it is plain to all, without doubt, that it is a greater thing for that to be created which was without being than for that which had being to be restored.  Because the dry rod of Aaron budded, all men were in astonishment; every day a tree is produced from the dry earth...and no man wonders....  Five thousand men were filled with five loaves;...every day the grains of seed that are sown are multiplied in a fullness of ears, and no man wonders.  All...wondered to see water once turned into wine.  Every day the earth's moisture, being drawn into the root of the vine, is turned by the grape into wine, and no man wonders.  Full of wonder then are all the thins which men never think to wonder at, because...they are by habit become dull to the consideration of them.

~ Pope Gregory the Great (540-604)

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