Wednesday, April 28, 2010

the ABC's of life

one summer, many moons ago, i found myself on an island.  not just any island, but one that seemed to move slower in time...  where instead of going to the local box grocery store for fresh produce, instead you walk/bike down the road to the nearest farm booth [found at the end of the lanes] to choose freshly picked produce/seeds/flowers amoung many other things...  the flea market is like no other as it is brimming with hand made/grown unique stuff.  of course i'm speaking of none-other than salt spring island in british columbia.  it was a summer that i will never forget {the memories or the amazing people} and think of daily when i read my marble slab with the abc's of life, which hangs in the bathroom.  [bathroom due to the fact that it is a place in the house that chances are most will visit :) and would i feel that everyone should gander at this slab of life...]

 Not only does the abc's of life slab remind me of the amazingly fun and adventurous summer, but this time of year: spring, more specificly around todays date as that is when Ed and i took different paths, back in 2006, for the summer to better ourselves for eachother {which did happen, as we had gotten engaged by the end of it...} 

something about when new seedlings are sprouting or fresh flowers reveiling themselves reminds me of how hard it was to leave everything i knew to go to the unknown.  

looking back i want to use the saying 'if you love something, let it go and if it comes back it is ment to be' ~ not that i ever let ed go, but that summer really did cement us together.  not that i would ever choose to be without him ever again, if can be helped.

had fun taking some photos of my newest blossoms in the yard, and well of course my favorite shaggy dog in the world...  enjoy!

Accept differences  Be kind  Count your blessings  Dream  Express thanks  Forgive  Give freely  Harm no one  Imagine more  Jettison anger  Keep confidences  Love truly  Master something  Nuture hope  Open your mind  Pack lightly  Quell rumors  Reciprocate  Seek wisdom  Touch hearts  Understand  Value truth  Win graciously  Xeriscape  Yearn for peace  Zealously support a worthy cause        ~ r. stewart

no, this turtle wind-chim is not from salt spring island, but
from another amazing island : Oahu, Hawaii


Haddock said...

Like your ABC . Every alphabet is apt and meaningful.

And like what you wrote in the beginning:

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