Wednesday, April 7, 2010

ol' fashion crisp !)

 Seeing that it is vacation week at I Heart Faces the challenge is yummy desserts. Considering I had rhubarb on the mind and in the freezer ~ saw an opprotunity to make some "spring" dessert: Apple Rhurbarb Crisp !)

Ol' Fashion Crisp
For this reciepe, I used a jar of canned apple pie filling !)
4 c. fruit*
1/2~3/4 c. packed brown sugar
1/2 c. flour
                                                        1/2 c. rolled oats
                        1 tsp. cinnamon
1/4~1/2 tsp. allspice
 1/3 c. cold margarine/butter

* Have used a wide varitey of fruit: mixed berries (frozen or fresh), peaches, apples, rhubarb, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, plums, etc...  You get to be creative !)

Rhurbarb from freezer !)

I had to double the reciepe, as my canned pie filing plus frozen
rhubarb made exactly 8 cups.  !)                  

1.   preheat oven to 375 degrees F and grease 8 inch baking dish

2.   combine first 6 ingredients

3.  cut in margarine and sprinkle over fruit in greased 8 inch baking dish

4. bake at 375 degrees F for 30~35 minutes

           ~~makes 4 to 6 servings~~

One of my favorites!!!  I absolutly love this reciepe, as you can see it is simple to put together and is best served warm with ice cream !)


photographs by m. maczuga said...

Teee~heee~hee *gasp, wipe tear from eye*

(well maybe not that funny...)

Silly me! When I posted this reciepe to the i {heart} faces site, i posted it as "crist" not crisp!

So to set te record straight, it is a reciepe for a CRISP!!

JoyfulHeartPhotography said...

Oh so yummy!! Thanks for sharing!

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